Graduation Robes

The following provides information about the items of graduation attire

What will my graduation robes look like?


Your gown and hood are specific to your university and your degree award. An image of the front and back of your graduation attire will be displayed during the ordering process after you have selected your university and degree award. It will also be displayed on your email order confirmation and in the ‘My Account’ section when you log in.


What are robes?


Robes include all (or some) of these items: gown, hood and hat/bonnet.


What is a mortarboard?


A mortarboard is a square topped hat with a tassel, usually worn by bachelors and masters. A bonnet is worn by doctorates and is of the Tudor style trimmed with a cord and tassel. All tassels are worn to your left.


What is a graduation hood?


A hood is worn over the gown and on the shoulders. It is unique to your Institution and qualification.


What is a graduation gown?


A gown is an open fronted robe worn below the knee.

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